How to choose a database on AWS

How to choose a database on AWS

How do I choose a database on AWS? How do I choose between NoSQL (Amazon DynamoDB) vs SQL (Amazon RDS)? As a software engineer, when...
How do I choose a database on AWS? How do I choose between NoSQL (Amazon DynamoDB) vs SQL (Amazon RDS)? As a software engineer, when building a serverless microservice on AWS, I will walk you through how I narrow down what the best database on AWS is for my microservice. Database options on AWS When it comes to storing data in AWS, at the time of writing, there are over 15 different options. The options for our microservice's persistent store are the following: Amazon AuroraAmazon RDSAuroraPostgreSQLMySQLMariaDBOracleSQLServerAmazon RedshiftAmazon DynamoDBDocumentDBAmazon Keyspaces Not included here are the services for graph data and...
How to design a RESTful API on AWS

How to design a RESTful API on AWS

Have you ever asked yourself what is a REST API? How do I design a RESTful API on AWS Cloud? How do I write a...
Have you ever asked yourself what is a REST API? How do I design a RESTful API on AWS Cloud? How do I write a RESTful java microservice? As a software engineer building on AWS, I'll walk you through designing a REST API. What is a REST API? A REST API is a way for clients to get/store information with an application through HTTP. This is typically what websites and mobile apps use to communicate with backends services. For example: What's today's weather in Paris? A website makes a HTTP call to a weather service with Paris as an...